New in REC+: April - Product Tickboxes, Order Anniversary Emails & more


New: Product tickboxes
Add optional or required tickboxes to products which customers can tick when buying them. For example, getting customers to confirm they have accepted terms of use for a specific product or that it cannot be returned. 
Contact us to enable & then manage via Admin > Product Tickboxes

New: Order anniversary email
Automatically email customers on each anniversary of their first order, for example to give customers a deal and incentivise them to consider buying again.
Contact us to enable this feature and then follow the set up instructions.

Ecommerce & Reporting

Display Recently viewed products to visitors
Display recently viewed products  on page layouts and product pages allowing customers to navigate back to items of interest. 
Enable via Admin > Site Settings > Ecommerce > Show Recently Viewed Products
& then arrange for a  designer to update your site templates using the tag: {{ recently_viewed_products() }} and on the product info page with the tag {{ product.more.recently_viewed }}

Order thanks page can include more order and upsell information
Enrich the checkout thanks page summary to include order items, billing & delivery details and other information to encourage upsell opportunities. 
Designers: via the thanks.html.twig file you can {{ dump(order) }} to see everything available.

New: Departments Report
A new order info report is now available for departments you may have set up to group categories together.

Users making purchases report now has columns for SMS & Postal marketing opt-in
Available via Admin > Reports > Users making purchases > new "opt_in_sms_marketing" & "opt_in_postal_marketing" columns

Order Manager allows filtering of orders via payment method
We've added a quick way to find all orders using a specific payment method via Order Manager
Admin > Order Manager > Quick Search > Payment Method

Abandoned followup usability improvements in Order Manager
The Abandoned followup status search column is now always shown rather being limited to the Abandoned orders tab.
The Abandoned followup summary is now also shown on the order screen in the right sidebar making it easier to view/set the success status.

Product page special offer product list
Similar to Featured products or 'People who bought this bought that' lists available on product pages, you can now also show special offer products here too.
Enable via Admin > Site Settings > Ecommerce > Show Special Offer Products

Report builder report history
You can now view a history of all recent reports run via report builder and click to re-run them again easily.
This also simplifies the URLs for reports making them easier to copy and share.
Available via Admin > Reports > Report Builder.

Top Products report now splits product name & code columns
Also we've added a category column to help you identify the product and category range it's in.
This is available in our Admin > Reports > Top products report.

Order timezone improvements
For US and other non UK sites, timezone support has been improved to consistently show the correct order time for your timezone in admin across the dashboard, Order Manager and other order screens. 

PayPal Express buttons update
The PayPal buttons have been upgraded to the new more rectangular versions to keep up to date with PayPal's branding.

Delivery estimator now lets developers pass a product_id
This lets us add delivery estimator links to pages more easily where clicking it emulates having that product in the cart before quoting for delivery.

Customer smart type now accessible via JS
Useful for developers to build in custom templates using jsMaster.userSmartType

Email Manager

New: Create Draft folder categories in Email Manager
When creating new emails you can now set a folder name to categorise them in the drafts tab for easier administration.
Admin > Email Manager > Write Email > Select or create a template > Folder name (under name field & favourite tickbox)

Scheduled emails now record the email name as well as the folder
This can help you check which scheduled emails are going out soon. 

Email tasks > filter to orders from specific countries.
You can now filter which email tasks send to users based on their order delivery countries
Admin > Email Tasks > Add/Edit > Delivery country filter (only shows for order events)


Improvements for sending SMS to US & international mobile/cell numbers.
We've added a new setting that does additional cleanup and checks before sending sms to US & international mobile numbers.
Enable via Admin > Site Settings > Leads & Alerts > SMS details > Use advanced mobile number detection

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